While the hike was moderate,the trails weren't one of those well maintained trails,reminded me of Grandpa's house in Goa
After hiking for a couple of hours I reached this bridge and then a lot more such bridges
Here's the Talamus Lake view, absolutely amazing, isnt it?
I searched for campsites for a while and settled for this one closer to the lake.
As I continued the expedition around the lake, clicking some more pictures I wondered what is it that attracts me to these places. Is it nostalgia for a simpler life? Perhaps finding myself, just connecting with nature. Or is it the stillness, the peace?
We struggled to cook while being surrounded by the crazy Chipmunks. Beware of these thieves, they look cute but can run away with all your food!
I wasnt sure whether I was still dreaming or awake when I saw the lake in the morning. This will be one of my most memorable hikes ever!
P.S Sorry about the poor formatting, google doesnt have a easier way of doing it and I suck at html.
Such pretty pics, I especially like the one with the chipmunk!
Erika: Thanks for the comment. Yeah Talapus Lake is very beautiful,but trust me those chipmunks they arent!
wow that sure must have been a treat.
I think the power of the nature draws us to these absolutely wonderful abodes on earth
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