Monday, January 28, 2008


I mean what the hell is wrong with today’s kids? No, its not the crazy me talking again. No Sir, not this time. Look at this girl. She is what 2 years old. TWO SMALL, TINY LITTLE YEARS!! And she knows the WORLD MAP. Are kids turning into robots or something. OMG, were all those freaky movies true. I hoped and believed that as long as I live they will never come true. Those movies about Androids,Arnold Schwarzenegger's, weren't those imagination of some zombies. Shouldn't she be out there on a beach building a sand castle rather than pointing Hawaii on the World Map. She even knows where Philippines is, I mean what's wrong with her, they eat dogs there man. I heard some news about kids being able to solve puzzles, equations, math @ speed of light or something. What about the good old calculator days? Do these kids even know that a device goes by that name. The one device to which our generation hung with their life. Ok, ok not generation, me. Yeah, you would know if you were to appear that freaking robotics paper with all those fancy shamancy diagrams which made no sense to a normal human brain. Look all you nice people I had to google the actor Arnolds surname coz I couldn't spell it straight. Am I abnormal? With kids like these, learning the world map eventually avenues then streets, hi-tech products such as GPS will become extinct.I loveeee the GPS man. I mean imagine you are trying to figure out a particular location and struggling to understand what that women voice from the GPS is trying to say. You are driving at the speed of 80 miles/hr and constantly moving eyes sometimes to look at the road and sometimes to look at the map. That's exactly when your child who is still sitting in the baby seat,can hardly utter a few words, points out precisely the location on the map. Would you call it miracle or what or just speed up and drive into the nearest car. As if all these things weren’t enough, I came across this another Asian kid, what some 3 yr old , she solves a Rubik cube in 116 seconds. WHAT THE FUCK?? 116 seconds. I am hardly able to get same color on one face of the damm cube till date. Forget solving that utterly mind numbing puzzle. I mean is this child kidding or what? Doesn’t she know what the purpose of a rubik is. You are supposed to kill at least about 4 hours with that darn thing. And never ever in your life are you supposed to solve it. Such mind blowing, outstanding achievements are left for heroes in films such as “In pursuit of Happiness” or to Rajnikanth. How else will a normal person like me believe in miracles and hope for good. I was just about to conclude that there is yet one stream untouched, which these horrifying kids have not explored. But I am yet again wrong. Look at this 3 year old girl . I mean is she abnormal or what? I couldn’t even differentiate the braying of a donkey from the barking of a dog when I was her age. I mean she can PLAY all that. And she even enjoys it? People trust me, something is seriously wrong. Is the world coming to an end? Evolution? Ok ok I shall stop boring all of you here, before you all kill yourself here's another one… What?? You feel this is an abrupt end to the post. My brain is all confused after watching all those videos plus I couldn't think of a ending man, just watch the damm video and stop cribbing.

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